WARNING: Please bring your HEALTH BOOKLET on MONDAY (23 FEB 2009)
or you will be considered as an extraterrestial being who lives somewhere in the milky way in the depth of 90859237590257km at 45 degree due south of the sagitarius star and get screwed by the nurse. May god bless you. Amen.Work hard people! You can do it! Nothing is impossible. When you have leek.
(Photo courtesy to MINIMUM渡辺 さま!)
Common Test Schedule**Organic Chemistry Test will be somewhere in next week, so be prepared to get a B3 & above or have a nice cup of coffee with our cute Miss Chan. (PS. or order a MC from Jovan! 5 bucks only man.)23 Feb (Monday)Physics - EM Waves, Waves, Sound
English - go ask Mrs Mahinda
24 Feb (Tuesday)E Maths - Matrices, Probability, Maths in Practical Situation, Trigo, Arc Length & Sector Area
26 Feb (Thursday)
A Maths - Differentiation, Trigo, Trigo Identities
27 Feb (Friday)Geography - Chap 8 Variations in Development in the World (I have no eye deer about History)
2 March (Monday)Social Studies - Chap 5 Bonding Singapore & Chap 6 Managing Peace and Security: Deterrence and Diplomacy (both
SS/Geo and SS/History class)
Work hard and be a..but not this..
until you beome like this.
がんばって みんな!
Zhu Keeper>please tell me if theres anything wrong, dont hit me!!