Sunday, February 22, 2009

Very Important !!!!

Due to Electrostatic , hui ning's hair stood =)
Our School Pond was finally done !
Chemitry practical

Our cute 甜老师


Outing at Alvin's house !!!! Lai lai...... place your bets jocelin is gonna win all your money (she was super serious! )
The Wii at Alvin's house.... Alvin won this match. It was super tiring
19 people turned up. Jocelin was not in the picture but had a replacement which was between bryan and yi ping =) Gifts exchange........
Thanks for your present (Katrina to Bryan )Thanks for yours too . It was so coincidental
Alvin to Swastika
Darrel to Geraldine
Melvin to Yi Ping
Darrel to MelvinMelvin to Angeline
The two guys which is camera shy......
Cute Alvin !!!

(Edison )

Friday, February 20, 2009

Common Test - Term 1

WARNING: Please bring your HEALTH BOOKLET on MONDAY (23 FEB 2009)

or you will be considered as an extraterrestial being who lives somewhere in the milky way in the depth of 90859237590257km at 45 degree due south of the sagitarius star and get screwed by the nurse. May god bless you. Amen.

Work hard people! You can do it! Nothing is impossible. When you have leek.
(Photo courtesy to MINIMUM渡辺 さま!)

Common Test Schedule

**Organic Chemistry Test will be somewhere in next week, so be prepared to get a B3 & above or have a nice cup of coffee with our cute Miss Chan. (PS. or order a MC from Jovan! 5 bucks only man.)

23 Feb (Monday)
Physics - EM Waves, Waves, Sound
English - go ask Mrs Mahinda

24 Feb (Tuesday)
E Maths - Matrices, Probability, Maths in Practical Situation, Trigo, Arc Length & Sector Area

26 Feb (Thursday)
A Maths
- Differentiation, Trigo, Trigo Identities

27 Feb (Friday)

Geography - Chap 8 Variations in Development in the World (I have no eye deer about History)

2 March (Monday)
Social Studies - Chap 5 Bonding Singapore & Chap 6 Managing Peace and Security: Deterrence and Diplomacy (both SS/Geo and SS/History class)

Work hard and be a..

but not this..

until you beome like this.

がんばって みんな!
- Zhu Keeper

>please tell me if theres anything wrong, dont hit me!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This is one of our brainest guy in class and this is what he thought =)

Have fun laughing !!!

Kindly note that next Monday (23/2), there is a health screening at 0800 . Also , the tests on Monday are Emaths, Physics, SS and English (Mrs Mahindha will help us voice out =) ). This Friday is also our Parents Techer Conference at 1830-2130.

E maths : Matrices, Probability, Maths in practical situations, Trigonometry , Arc length and sector area.

Physics : Em waves +Spectrum and Sound

SS : Deterrence and Diplomacy , Bonding Singapore

Happy Studying for it !!!!


Sunday, February 15, 2009

A very important reminder to all from Miss Chan :

Monday Chemistry test starts at 0730. Don't be

late !!!!


Thursday, February 12, 2009



When?: Saturday, 14th Feb

Address: Can't be revealed on public, ask me personally.=]

Time: 6pm

Place to meet up: Bus Stop Opp Kovan (we'll take 112 from there)

Those Coming :

Swastika, Justin, Sherman, Yu Sen, YiPing, Yiok Yin, Katrina, Elias, Shanon, Melvin, Bryan, Geraldine, Angeline, Hui Ning, Edison(*TBC), Jocelin, Aaron(*TBC) & HongYing

*TBC-to be confirmed

Food(prepare to drool:D):

Alvin- Fried rice, beehoon & chicken wings

Bryan,Elias,Shanon- Drinks

Melvin- Seaweed Chicken, Nuggets & Fish Fillet

Jocelin- Curry

Geraldine- Bread for curry

Swastika- Home Cooked Specialities

Yiok Yin & Angeline- Desserts

**Those who want to come but have not given me your names are most welcome to join!=]

Feel free to bring along any na shou hao cai(home cooked specialities), movies , board games etc

You may bring along your GF/BF along. :D (adapted from Geraldine: We'll help you judge them, HAHA!)

MOST IMPORTANTLY, do remember to bring a Valentine gift for the gift exchange:D

It's gonna be a day filled with FUN & LOVE(I know it sounds mushy), HOHO! :D


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pe Lessons

Pe lesson was really very fun for all of us =).

We played Tic tac toe and the boys won the first match. However, Mr Lawrence said it was just a trial .The second round, due to a red shirt guy (I didn't say who) , the boys lost !(Haha) Sob.....This was the punishment-to run around the parade square once while holding onto a chair.

Are they using the chair to act as an umbrella ???

The second part of PE was to be played with 37 chairs. Both teams from each side would send a representative each time to speed to the other side as fast as possible. Of course, all our bones and butt hurts after all the knocking, violence and speeding.

In the end, there were no winner or loser. Each time a side sped across and till the second last chair,the guy would lose and would be back to square 1 again.

Award to the most violence guys : Jia Hao and Justin

(Edison-super long loading time!)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The creative guy-Jia hao who kept drawing during recess =)
Another Sleeping beauty
Guess who's the winner ???? ( Its obvious )

Nice drawings !

( Edison)

The sleeping beauty of the class.
This is Kenan who sits near the window.
He always sleeps. Every lesson. Every day.
Every hour. Every minute. Every second.
But he is an intelligent person I must say.
Always sleep also can get quite high marks for test.
Picture taken by Elias using Jiahao's phone!

And this is Mrs Chew, our Physics teacher.
This was taken on the day we having our wave topic test.
The great awesome artistic drawing was done by Jiahao. Not bad right?

Anyways, dear Ms Loo, students from 4A wishes you a speedy recovery.
Get well soon.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Things to be done:

1. Physics Revision Exams (All sec 3 topics) 17/2 (Tues)

2. Remember to bring holepuncher for every physics lessons (Requested by Mrs Chew)

3. Test on EM Waves and Spectrum TOMORROW.

4. Those never bring thermometer, tomorrow is the LAST day to bring.

5. Bring classified (FEB Newspaper) for CME lesson.

6. Chemistry Revision test NEXT WEEK (Tues/Thurs) -Sec 3 topics

7. For those who did not update the physics content page, here it is.

1. Wave : Electromagnetic Spectrum 6.1.09
2. Waves (Notes)
3. Physics Worksheet : Waves
4. Physics Worksheet : Electromagnetic Waves 14.1.09
5. Physics Worksheet : Waves (2)
6. Physics Worksheet : Waves (3) 20.1.09
7. Sound (Notes) 21.1.09
8. Physics Worksheet : Sound Waves (1)

That's all for today.


Monday, February 2, 2009

Bring your thermometer tomorrow! by mdm tan